Φιλοσοφική Σχολή
Within the framework of "Poetry from the Margins: Literary, linguistic, philological and cultural-historical analysis of a new corpus of Byzantine book epigrams (800-1453)", a research project closely connected with the Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams, the Greek Section of the Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University (Belgium) is seeking well-qualified applicants for a fully-funded and full-time doctoral research fellowship (four years). The successful applicant will be part of an international team of pre- and postdoctoral scholars and is expected to work on the literary analysis and/or editing of selected book epigrams (metrical paratexts in Byzantine manuscripts). (S)he will be supervised by project director Professor Kristoffel Demoen and start employment between 1 October 2016 and 1 January 2017.
Envisaged profile
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